Supplication by the Wiśnicz Jews to Aleksander Dominik Lubomirski

The Jews of Wiśnicz turn to the landlord with a complaint against the land elders from the Landau family [Wolf Hasklewicz {Beniamin Wolf Landau}, senior land elder of Tarnow; Hirsz {Jeleń} Hasklewicz, senior land elder of Opatów] because they charge them excessive taxes and neglect landlord's orders beneficial to the Jewish community of Wiśnicz.

Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Archive of Sanguszko family
Reference Number: ANKR, ASang. teka 542, plik 29
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 30.10.1713
Place of origin: Nowy Wiśnicz
Geographical names: Nowy Wisnicz, Opatow, Tarnow
Published: Żydzi polscy 1648-1772. Źródła, wyd. A. Kaźmierczyk, Kraków 2001, s. 207.